State FCCLA Success
As the school year begins to approach one of the busiest times, clubs are beginning to compete in their state level competitions. The Alliance Chapter of FCCLA is one of these extra curricular activities that competed in hopes of qualifying for the next level of competition– Nationals
On April 3-5, Alliance FCCLA traveled to Lincoln to compete with their projects. All of these members completed STAR projects and did well enough at the District competition to be able to go on to State. Twelve AHS students competed in eight different projects and all were able to find success on different levels.
In order to qualify for the national competition in San Diego this summer, participants must earn at least a silver and be one of the top two participants in their project and level. Of those that competed, seven AHS students qualified. In Level 2, Taylee Thompson and Kealee Jelinek got first place in their Chapter Service Project. Also Level 2, Emily McCune received first place in the Sustainability Project and Kalli Bridge received Runner Up with her Sports Nutrition Project. In Level 3, Mikayla Seebohm and Shelbee Burke received first place with their Promote and Publicize FCCLA project and Annaka Digmann received runner up with her Repurpose and Redesign project. All of these members will compete at Nationals June 29- July 3.
Also competing at the state level included Jonah Amill in Level 2 receiving a silver, Kate Lui, Jordyn Yearling and Ann Ryan in level 2 receiving a bronze and Emma Wood in Level 3 receiving a bronze.
At SLC, the State Peer Officer Team (SPOT) candidates were interviewed and the Members of the 2022-2023 teams were announced. Ann Ryan was elected as Vice Chairperson of the Family Team and Emily McCune was elected as Chairperson of the Career Team and Overall Vice Chairperson of SPOT.
The Alliance Chapter also won multiple awards. They earned a Gold Chapter Award for their countless hours of service and contributions. They also received two awards for membership, the 7-Up award as well as the Region D Membership Increase award, which was given to them for having the highest number of new members in the area.
Overall, this was a very successful event for the Alliance Chapter of FCCLA. Congratulations to all of the members that participated, as well as the chapter as a whole! Best of luck at nationals in the summer!

Hi everyone! I’m Shelbee Burke, a senior at AHS. This is my third year writing for the Spud and I am the Co-Editor and Chief with the exquisite Morgan...