Going to school in Europe and in America: Which one is better?
Have you ever wondered how school is in a different country? The AHS exchange students did.
Is the American high school life really like how they show it in all the movies or is it all a lie? Let’s find out!
In the past, some exchange students said that they like the American school system much more than their home countries. The current exchange students do have the same opinion as well, except one. Mats Albrecht stated that he likes both. When asked why he can’t decide between both of them he said, “America is easier. In Germany I get a better education.” Annika Fuchs stated she likes the school in America more “Because the teachers here are way nicer, also I feel like the information we learn here gets stuck better in my head than the way we learn it in our home country.” Giorgia Ronchetti stated why she would choose the American school system instead of her home country’s because, “it’s easier, you have a good relationship with your teachers and you get to choose your subjects.” Ronchetti and Fuchs agreed that their favorite thing about their school in their home country are the breaks. While their favorite thing is the breaks, Albrecht mentioned that his favorite thing is, “you can skip class easily”. When asked what they don’t like about their school they all agreed: it’s too hard, there is no personal connection to the teachers, you don’t get to know new people, and you can barely choose your subjects. Their favorite things about the American school system are the connection between students and teachers, same classes every day and choosing classes by yourself. German exchange Students just have to take two classes (American History and English 11) so they have a lot of electives. Albrecht, for example, chose a lot of science classes (everything besides chemistry and physics), as well as weights, life time and pre-calc. Ronchetti, Italian exchange student, on the other hand, had to take some more classes. Her school in Italy wanted her to take chemistry, physics and math. Albrecht also noted that he likes that the holidays are not as spread out as it is in Germany. He would like to have a lot of summer break instead of small breaks spread out over the school year. When asked what they don’t like about the American school system, Fuchs stated that, “you don’t get to know all the people in your grade”. Ronchetti stated that she would like to have more time for lunch and Albrecht stated that, “you sometimes have classes with annoying freshmen”.
Even though exchange students first got to really know the American school system last August they already have a favorite, well most of them. Of course there are some things they wished the American school would have but overall our winner is the American school system.
The SPUD wishes all of the exchange students a lot of fun and many adventures in their last couple months here.

Hi, I'm Ella Oezen. I am an exchange student from Germany for the 2021/2022 school year. Due to the fact that AHS lists all exchange student as seniors,...