NCYC 2021
Last week, 17 Alliance High School students attended the National Catholic Youth Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana. The conference lasted from November 18-20. This conference occurs every two years and Catholic high school students from around the country gather in the Lucas Oil Stadium and Indiana Convention Center to learn about their faith.
This year, due to Covid-19, 10,000 students nation-wide attended. This may seem like a lot, but it is far less than two years ago when around 25,000 people attended. Masks were required, as well as a Covid test a week prior to the event. Luckily though, this year students traveled to Indianapolis via airplane, rather than the 21 hour bus ride that was endured by students two years ago.
The first night, students attended a concert performed by Lecrae, a multi-grammy award winning Chrisitan rapper. Following that, an opening session was held and students around the nation were welcomed to the Lucas Oil Stadium. The next day, students heard from numerous inspiring speakers, including teenagers who have overcome many challenges. After that students were able to attend break out sessions and explore The Village. The Village was a large area in the convention center with games, crafts, shops, service projects, and booths run by Catholic organizations. That night, an Eucharistic Adoration was performed. While this was happening attendees were able to attend confession. The Adoration was a beautiful, emotional experience for all in attendance.
On Saturday, more inspirational speakers performed, as well as a magician. Students then went to another breakout session and AHS attendees spent some time shopping at the mall. That night, all who attended NCYC gathered one last time in Lucas Oil Stadium for a final mass. This mass was performed by an archbishop, and over 100 bishops, priests and deacons were present in full vestments. Everyone in the stadium was able to receive Eucharist as well. The final mass was followed by a short closing session thanking everyone for attending.
All who attended were able to grow in their faith and grow closer to God. This is a fantastic opportunity for all high school students who want to become better Catholics.

Hi everyone! I’m Shelbee Burke, a senior at AHS. This is my third year writing for the Spud and I am the Co-Editor and Chief with the exquisite Morgan...