Speech Preview 2021

January is the start of speech season. This year’s speech team consists of nine members. These members include seniors, Saphina Achi and Jayden Moomey; juniors, Julia Wilson, Chloe Mann, Morgan Moomey and Owen Weber; sophomores Annaka Digmann and Kimber Romick; and freshman, Kalli Bridge.
Senior Saphina Achi has been in speech all four years of her high school career. “I’m competing in three events this year: Persuasive Speaking, Poetry and Oral Interpretation of Drama (OID),” stated Achi. “My persuasive topic is over the ethics of advertising to children, my poetry is on the effects war has on soldiers, and the OID is called ‘The Group Session’ and is about a girl with split personalities attending therapy.” Achi was also asked if she had any personal goals for the season. She responded, “My personal goals for this season are to place higher at Western Conference than I have in previous years, as well as placing high enough in at least one event at Districts with the hopes of going to State.”
Throughout Achi’s time at speech, she has had three different speech coaches. For her freshman and sophomore year, Mrs. Mary Theresa Green was the head coach. For her junior year, Mrs. Tera Digmann was the head coach. Now for her senior year, Dr. Christina Kloch is the head coach. “I think having three different head coaches throughout my speech career has been very beneficial to me,” says Achi. “Throughout the years I have been able to get advice and critiques from different lenses which have helped develop my abilities to the best they can be, so I’m very thankful for that.”
With Covid, most speech meets have not allowed guests to watch the rounds. So if you are wanting to see the team in action, practices are Mondays after school, and Tuesdays at seven. During these practices, everyone takes turns working with Dr. Kloch. In the meantime, students can be found doing their speeches to each other, or the wall.

On January 16, the team traveled to Scottsbluff. Kalli Bridge placed 6th in Poetry. January 23 was the Alliance meet. The team was able to find much success at their home meet. Saphina Achi placed 3rd in Poetry and 4th in Persuasive. Annaka Digmann and Morgan Moomey placed 6th in Duet Acting.

On January 30, the team will travel to Gordon-Rushville with the hopes of taking home more hardware. Good luck to the AHS speech team as they continue to prepare for districts, and hopefully state!

Hi everyone! My name is Morgan Moomey. I am a senior at AHS, and this is my third and final year writing for the SPUD. This year I am Co-Editor-in-Chief...