Teen Moms of AHS

According to dosomething.org, three in every ten teenage females will become pregnant at least once before the age of twenty. In 2015, there were approximately 22 children born per 1,000 females ages 15-19 in the state of Nebraska. In the 2015 census, it was calculated that there were approximately 129,019 females ages 15-19 in Nebraska. That means that approximately 2,838 children were born to teen mothers in Nebraska alone.
Here at Alliance High School, these statistics have proven themselves to be true. Interviewed were three teen moms that go to AHS: Aryanna Walker, Liz Garza, and Haeliegh Dean.
Aryanna Walker is the mother of 13-month-old, Jaxon. She had just turned 16 when she found out that she was pregnant. She said that her pregnancy was “…easy in the beginning, but harder [during] the last month.” She also stated that she had to sacrifice any and all free time she ever had for her son.
When asked if she had ever considered abortion or adoption, she replied, “No, I knew [that] I was going to take responsibility from the beginning.”
Walker described her birthing experience by saying, “I had a c-section, so it went by pretty fast and I don’t remember a ton from it.” Walker said that raising a child “has had some hard times, but it’s like having a little best friend and [is] one of the best things I have ever done.”
Walker’s family has also been very supportive and helps her whenever she needs it. Giving the moms an opportunity to say what they wanted to about being a teen mom, Walker stated, “It’s not for everybody, and definitely not something anyone should aim to do, but accidents happen sometimes and there’s not much you can do about it. They don’t ruin your life like everyone says. Your life isn’t over because of it. It makes things a little harder, but it’s definitely not the end of the world.”
Haeliegh Dean is the mother of 10-month-old, Oaklein. She was also 16 when she found out that she was pregnant. “My pregnancy was pretty easy, and there were no problems. I still went to school and did really well,” stated Dean. For her baby, Dean sacrificed everything. “No more hangouts with friends. I needed to be home all the time.” When asked if she had ever considered abortion or adoption, Dean stated, “ I did think about abortion, but I never would have been able to go through with it. I kept my child because my parents showed me [that] they supported me and would help me no matter the cost.”
“I was 40 weeks still going to school. I ended up getting induced the next Monday. I had to go into the hospital at 6:00 A.M. and I couldn’t eat until after. I wanted to do an all natural birth so I didn’t get any medicine until I felt I needed to push, and the doctor wouldn’t check to see if I was dilated to 10 centimeters. My parents had just left to get food and my grandma was the only one there. I ended up getting the epidural. My parents came back not even 15 minutes later I was pushing, and just like that Oaklein was here.”
Dean stated that raising a child “has been a great adventure for both of us. I get to teach him new things, and I get to watch him grow up into a kind little boy.” When asked if there is anything she wants to say about being a teen mom, Dean said, “…if anyone is experiencing this, don’t be afraid to reach out. I have been there, and talking about things makes it a lot easier.”
Liz Garza is the mother to six-week-old, Luna. Garza was 17 when she found out that she was pregnant. “My pregnancy wasn’t bad at all,” stated Garza, “it really didn’t affect anything I did.” The only thing that she felt that she had to sacrifice was bowling. “I had to give up bowling for this school year.”
Garza stated that her birthing experience “wasn’t as bad as I thought. I had to be put on Pitocin to make my water break the rest of the way. I got the epidural which was amazing!” So far, Garza said that her experience as a parent has been “really difficult. My mom helps me when needed, and other than that, I’ve done all of it. She’s calm sometimes, but sometimes it’s a difficult ride.”
Garza’s thoughts on being a teen mom are, “A baby does not ruin your life. You may be young, but if you become a teen mom, it is amazing. A baby is a blessing. Never think that it ruins your life. They happen for a reason to certain people, and can save your life. Things happen for a reason, and if you ever become a teen mom, there are plenty of us that can help you.”
All the moms agree that they have lost friends because of their pregnancy, but their real friends have been there through everything. They are all appreciative of the support from their friends and family.

Hi everyone! My name is Morgan Moomey. I am a senior at AHS, and this is my third and final year writing for the SPUD. This year I am Co-Editor-in-Chief...