Procrastination: The Student Plague
According to, procrastination is defined as, “the action of delaying or postponing something.” Whether it is making up excuses to not study for a test, do homework, or telling yourself you’ll “do it later”, procrastination can oftentimes be problematic. Sometimes one postpones the act so much they forget about doing it or miss the opportunity too.
Why do we procrastinate? One explanation is that we don’t do the tasks because we are afraid of failure. Other answers suggest that anxiety, perfectionism, or lack of energy could be the problem. A lack of motivation can be the problem as well because, in order to complete our tasks, we must be motivated. The answer to why we procrastinate is usually different for everyone.
There are many solutions to help with procrastination. Staying organized is very helpful, whether it be by keeping a planner or a journal, setting a schedule for your day, or setting personal deadlines. Creating daily and monthly goals can also help prevent procrastination. Getting rid of distractions is one of the easiest ways to help with this problem. Distractions can often be the cause of procrastination, so getting rid of them will often help.
A sophomore, Avah Stegall explained, “I absolutely procrastinate. Every day.” She remarked that social media partially plays a factor, among other things such as sports, activities and other distractions. She stated, “It does affect me a lot because I turn in my work late.” She believes that this is not only a problem for her but other people as well. “If I turn in my work late then it causes more trouble for my teachers because they have to grade my work later than everyone else’s.”
Procrastination is a very common issue and can have many harmful outcomes. The reasoning behind this issue is different for all people and can be caused by numerous different factors. Procrastination can be prevented, so this year be sure to get on top of your work.

Hi everyone! I’m Shelbee Burke, a senior at AHS. This is my third year writing for the Spud and I am the Co-Editor and Chief with the exquisite Morgan...