Veterans Day Program 2019
Veterans Day took place last Monday, November 11, 2019, with this holiday comes the annual Veterans Day program put on by Mr. Baker, with support from Mrs. Roberts here at AHS. Along with the high school students and staff, AMS eighth graders and community members were welcome to enjoy the program.
The program consisted of eight events. First, the American Legion Post #7 posted the colors. Select members of the AHS band then performed the National Anthem. Next, principal, Mr. Clear, honored the veterans that attended the program by the era they served . Mr. Clear had each veteran from each era rise and receive praise. The eras mentioned were Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom, Gulf War, Vietnam Era, Korean Conflict, and World War II. Senior, Laykin Sperl, gave a reading of the history of Veterans Day.
Next in the program, Norman Little Hoop spoke about his experience as a veteran. To his surprise, Norman also received his Quilt of Valor. Quilts of Valor are awarded to U.S. military service members and veterans who have been touched by war. These quilts are a way of showing appreciation to current and past veterans. The American Legion Post #7 and the Freedom Riders presented Norman his quilt. Norman’s family also got to join him on stage.
After Norman was honored, The AHS Harmonics choir sang “My Country Tis of Thee,” conducted by Dr. Kloch. Mr. Baker then presented a reading from the 40th anniversary of D-day. This reading was an excerpt from President Ronald Reagan’s speech he gave on June 6, 1984.
To conclude the program, a YouTube video called “Seven Surprise Military Homecomings” was played. This was a heartwarming video that showed some unscripted reactions to military family/friends coming home.
The Veterans Day program at AHS is a very important yearly event. It is a time that we, as a school, can show support for the men and women that risk their lives everyday.

Hi everyone! My name is Morgan Moomey. I am a senior at AHS, and this is my third and final year writing for the SPUD. This year I am Co-Editor-in-Chief...