Senior Skip Day
Towards the end of the school year, it is a tradition for Alliance High School seniors to plan a Senior Skip Day. They all come to an agreement on which day they should “skip,” and when that day comes, the majority of seniors don’t show up. Some just stay home, go out of town, or hangout with friends. However, most of the seniors who “skip” have their parents/guardians excuse them.
This year, Hannah Weare, EC Weare, Elise Stoike, Emme Grant, Katelyn Nunez, Anna Flood, Madison Korte, and Adriana Olvera went to Rapid City, South Dakota. They swam at Watiki Water Park and went shopping at the Rushmore Mall. Stoike says the only homework that she had was the homework she knew about before senior skip day. She says that she wouldn’t say the teachers were very lenient, but they understood why the seniors want to take a skip day.
McClain Adamson, Chandler Stinson, Baily Hood, and Braydon Wilson went to Rapid City to play laser tag, shop, and hangout. Adamson says that he didn’t have much homework only because “I don’t ever have homework honestly. Senior year has been pretty easy.” He says that the teachers were pretty lenient about the seniors being gone, and that only some still assigned work for the students who missed.
Brielle Alwin, Laura Nieseler, Josefine Schnell, and Andrea Vargas took a day to prepare for prom. They picked up their prom dresses and got their nails done. Alwin says that most of the teachers expected the seniors to be gone, so she has little homework. “Most of my teachers were lenient. They were teenagers once who skipped on their own senior skip day as well, so it was nice for them to let us be teenagers instead of criticizing us for being normal seniors!”
No matter what the senior chooses to do for their Senior Skip Day, they will probably have some homework to make up the next day. Thankfully, the teachers are lenient and understanding when it comes to the seniors carrying out the Alliance High tradition.

Hello, I am Maycee! I am a senior at Alliance High School, and this is my second year writing for the Spud! I am the daughter of Tara and Deon Quick. I...