Cloudy with a Change of Nothing
The skies are grey, the wind is cold, no birds are chirping, the streets and sidewalks are desolate, and noise seems to be a thing of the past. The apocalypse has arrived, and the survivors are calling it February. Nothing is happening.
An Alliance summer is usually full of kids playing outside, warm weather, yet sometimes windy days, and hours upon hours of activity across town. Once winter comes, only a few weeks of mid 50 degree weather can wake people from their hibernation and draw them outside.
Days are overcast with early nights, and the sun rarely shines. Even when it does, the sun’s power seems weak. Nothing is happening. This dreary weather causes people to feel sad with the lack of heat and color outside their homes.
February, while it is the month of love, is a very uneventful month. And for the young journalists at AHS the Spud, stories are scarce and hard to come by.
So why does February always seem so boring? It is the shortest month of the year, yet every day moves in slow motion. The days may be short, but you’re almost certain they are longer than 24 hours.
As each new year approaches, Mrs. Digmann, the teacher of 4th period journalism, reminds her students that nothing happens in February.
Yes, basketball season is still here, but it is reaching its end as districts creep closer. One journalism staff can only write so many sports stories. Similarly, each year brings a Valentine’s Day story or two, but they do not add up to the amount of stories that are expected each month.
Nikki Haller from the Spud says that “There is nothing going on in February and we can’t all write about Valentine’s Day because it’s already almost here and gone.” She goes on to explain that she feels annoyed at how difficult it is for her to think of things to write about.
With three stories a month per person, for 8 students is a total of 24 stories a month. That is 24 different topics in a month that usually consists of 28 days. Simply, there is just not enough happening in those 28 days to supply great content on a local level of news.
The editors of the Spud are beginning to feel the struggle as well. Magi Hoff, Web Editor for the Spud says, “Personally, it hasn’t been the most awful for me because I make cartoons and write about movies, but I can see how it is a struggle for others. For some reason February is just so bleak, and every story someone ends up thinking of in relation to the month has already been done.” Because of the lack of happenings, stories are either as bleak as the month, or not related to the school or local news.
In conclusion, February is full of emptiness. As ironic as that is, it is the truth. Nothing eventful happens locally because the weather doesn’t allow outdoor activities. Similarly, everyone wants to stay inside each day. The struggles are real for the journalists at AHS the Spud, bear with them.

Hello, I am Zachary Placek. I am a senior at Alliance High School. This is my second year on the SPUD, and I am our Senior Editor. Last year, I competed...