Benefits of Being an Eagle Scout
Becoming an Eagle Scout is a feat that only a few million Americans have accomplished since the introduction of scouting to America in 1910. Because of this, the skills learned to attain the title of Eagle Scout come with a lot of benefits later in life.
The rank of Eagle is not an easy task to accomplish. Those who have earned this rank have spent most of their lives in scouting, learning skills from first aid and life saving to citizenship in the community, nation, and world. Earning at least 21 merit badges is only one part of the journey to Eagle. Scouts must also plan and execute their own Eagle Scout Project. An Eagle Scout Project is a service to others. It is a selfless project that gives towards the community in which they live. Once they have earned 21 merit badges, gone through the other ranks of scouting, and completed their Eagle Scout Project, a scout has finally reached this amazing goal.
In most professional settings, an Eagle Scout is set out from others. Interviewers across the country recognize this feat, and know that the individual who has reached it is a leader, selfless, and a determined worker. Applicants also see that this person must have self discipline to reach that point.
Being an Eagle Scout impacts the habits and character of a person. Through years and years of work beyond school hours, sports, and work, an Eagle knows how to manage their time well. Other things that Eagles learn is to do their work well 100% of the time, follow orders effectively, and work with others as a leader or team member.
Due to the fact that being an Eagle Scout stands for years of hard work, similar to that of a high school or college diploma, an individual with the title of Eagle has an extra hitch in their belt that sets them above some applicants for a job, scholarship, school, etc.
Eagle Scout and graduate of Alliance High School, Braden Seidler, received a huge benefit through the military. Braden is a marine and when he enlisted, was automatically promoted to an E-3 for being an Eagle Scout. Being an Eagle scout gets you an automatic promotion in all branches of the military, which includes an increased pay grade. The United States military values Eagle Scouts, as well as those who receive the Gold Award through girl scouts. The value comes from the commitment that each scout, boy or girl, has given to their organization throughout their lives, as well as the skills they have learned along the way.
While the benefits of being an Eagle Scout show throughout your life, the number of boys in scouting in the United States has dropped over 7% in the past ten years. With scouting becoming less and less popular in young men across the country, the value of being an Eagle Scout will become greater, and maybe the benefits will too.

Hello, I am Zachary Placek. I am a senior at Alliance High School. This is my second year on the SPUD, and I am our Senior Editor. Last year, I competed...