Upcycling with Consignment

We all know the phrase “Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.” especially with the Keep Alliance Beautiful program. While reducing, reusing, and recycling are all very important habits, upcycling tends to fall through the cracks. Upcycling is an easy and common way to take old items and make them into something more valuable. Consignment is a unique and profitable form of this.

Consignment allows stores and retailers to sell nice clothing that is brought in by consignors. These items are brought in for a multitude of reasons. Sometimes the clothes don’t fit or people that want to change their style. By doing this, your closet can be downsized while making a little bit of cash in the process. Being a consignor can also keep clothing out of the overflowing landfills. In Alliance, there are two consignment stores, Posh Consignment Shoppe and Posh Kids Consignment Shoppe.

In the consignment shops, items are brought in and evaluated by the employees. They pick out clothes in the best condition, that are new with tags, and are very stylish. Once tagged with the account number, the items go back into the processing room and wait to be hung on hangers. After they are hung and steamed, the items are brought back to the front where they are priced and placed on the floor.

Pasha Korber, is the founder and owner of the Posh stores. Posh has been opened for seven years and Posh Kids for four years. She has opened two other Posh stores in Chadron and Kearney.

Natalia Bravo, a Senior Posh Girl and the manager of Posh, has been working there for seven years. Natalia agrees with upcycling as “We give those pieces another chance to be used.” Being a consignor, you contribute to upcycling. “Give someone else the chance of wearing something of high quality and name brand at a fraction of the original price.” Posh incorporates reusing and upcycling in their everyday life. “Even though we don’t create a new product from the items received, we create inspirational options with new ideas of what, how, and when to wear them again.” Posh has a mission to reuse, reduce, recycle, and upcycle. They do all they can do to participate in this amazing lifestyle.

Samantha Allen is another Senior Posh Girl. She has been employed with Posh and Posh Kids for two years. Posh receives roughly 100 items a day, so they estimate about 600 items a week. Samantha believes “Consignment is definitely a fantastic example of upcycling, not only is it reusing gently used clothes and accessories but also giving a fresh fun experience to shop some of your favorite brands for less.” Consignment is a perfect way to reduce excess clothes in landfills. “If it wasn’t for consignment shops and thrift shoppes, we would definitely see an increase of clothing items in landfills. We appreciate our consignors so much for working with us to upcycle amazing clothes and fill up our racks rather than our landfills.” Samantha describes consignment as a good feel experience.

Jennifer Jacobo is another Senior Posh Girl and the manager for Posh Kids. She has been employed for three years. She encourages customers to bring clothes into the store. “When parents buy clothing second hand, it extends the fabric lifespan by at least double.” Upcycling is a perfect way to get name brand items for cheaper. Jennifer’s favorite thing about consignment is when customers find the perfect item. “When a customer comes to the store looking for a very specific item and they find exactly what they need for an affordable price.” Upcycling can start with kids and continue on for ages.

Upcycling is a personal and exciting way to recycle clothing. Being a consignor is an easier version of upcycling, since you only do a little work. Participating in reusing, reducing, recycling, and upcycling is not only a positive lifestyle, but also a helpful one.