New Year’s Resolutions
Did you make a resolution for 2019? More than half of all resolutions fail because they don’t seem realistic enough for people to actually do them. Although, the New Year is a great time to reflect on the changes we want or need to make.
One of the most common reasons we break New Year’s resolutions is because we get a little too eager when we make them and we end up over-committing. Another part of that problem is that we end up making the wrong resolutions for ourselves. The key to successful goal-making is not to be so quick when deciding your New Year’s resolution. Make resolutions you’ve thought through and are willing to dedicate your time and energy. If you’re not 100% committed to your goal, the odds of making it to the end of them are pretty slim.
After doing some research, I discovered that 80% of all goals will fail before the end of January and only 8% of resolutions are completed. Commonly, not making a resolution, realistic or non-realistic, will result in frustration and defeat in yourself.
Shelbee Burke, a freshman at AHS, believes that making a New Year’s resolution is common. “I think setting a goal for yourself is good because it’ll help you focus on what you need to get done for the upcoming New Year. I have some goals set for myself. I want to be a better person, generally and in school, by being more kind or nice to people, and maintaining a 4.0 GPA in school,” she said.
Michelle Wurdeman, the Spanish teacher at AHS, says, “It’s good and bad. I think that having goals is always important, but I don’t think we should wait until the start of a New Year to start setting goals and chasing our dreams. So many people wait until the New Year to begin a goal and few people see that goal through. I think anytime is a good time to set a goal and get after achieving it. I have some goals set for myself; however, some began before the New Year and some after. Some goals I have set for myself include, making it to the gym at least 5 times a week, stop getting sugary drinks (because I love frappes), making it to work by 7:45, and reading to my kids each night after school.”
It takes only 21 days to form a new behavior, a new habit. That’s three weeks. Keep at your goal for at least six months and there is a good chance that it’ll become a part of your daily life. Make sure to keep your New Year’s resolution specific and realistic. By making your goal a part of your daily life, sooner or later you will be one of the 8% of the people who make a New Year’s resolution and keep it.

Hi everybody! I'm Nikki Haller. I am a sophomore at AHS and this is my first year writing for the SPUD. I am the 15 year old daughter of Tonya Haller and...