Teacher By Day, Parent By Night
Backpacks, notebooks, folders, No. 2 pencils: these are the things that students are expected to bring back to school with them each year; however, for some, there’s an additional accessory; their parent.
I know what you’re thinking – that must suck, (but what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger right?)
Mason Hiemstra is one of the many students who has experienced this phenomenon. His mother, Mrs. Angie Hiemstra, is a physical education teacher at AHS.
“For the most part it’s pretty good because that way they can always keep me in line. And most of the time they ask my teachers if I’m missing anything, so that way I always have my stuff done. At the same time it can be tough because I feel like teachers especially the ones who are closer to my parents expect a lot more from me just because I’m a teacher’s kid. Being able to see them everyday is the cool part though because not a lot of people get to see their parents everyday.”
Mr. Michael Baker, Civil War history and American Government teacher, currently has two students of his own attending AHS, Rachel and Joel Baker. He has already taught his daughter, but will teach his son during the next upcoming school year.
“It’s not as strange as you might think. Growing up I always knew that I would have my dad as a teacher at some point, so I guess I just accepted it. He understands that it can be slightly awkward to have your dad as a teacher, so he treats me just like any other student. The hardest thing about being a teacher’s kid, is hearing other students talk negatively about them,” claims Rachel. Joel adds that, “It’s not bad honestly. Sometimes it can be awkward, but most of the time it’s fine. Seeing him everyday is good and bad. He knows everything that is going on with you, but that’s also the reason that is bad. My dad is a whole different person in the classroom than at home. Most people don’t know that he jokes around a lot at home and laughs a lot, but in the classroom he is very serious.”
Violet Nelson, whose step-father, Mr. Chris Bailey, is the vice-principal of AHS also has a similar reality.
“I think having my dad as a principle has caused me to do better in school and stay focused. It doesn’t change much and my teachers don’t treat me differently. It’s nice knowing that if something happens, he’ll be there to help. Having said that, he’s the principle so he finds everything out. So I try my best to do what’s expected of me.” Violet explains.
Having a teacher as a parent can be a blessing and a curse at the same time. If you have a parent who is a teacher, your life is automatically different from everyone else’s. Some people might think this is odd, but some students/children might not think anything of it.

Hi everybody! I'm Nikki Haller. I am a sophomore at AHS and this is my first year writing for the SPUD. I am the 15 year old daughter of Tonya Haller and...