Rumor has it that the city of Alliance has a curfew; however, after talking to Aly Dusatko, the school police officer, she said that the town does not have a curfew. This means the only limitations teenagers have on when they are allowed to be out is determined by their parents. When school comes back into session, teenagers often complain about having an early curfew, while others are happy with having a later curfew.
On the weekdays, one would say that a curfew before 9:30 pm is earlier and stricter, while after 9:30 is later and lenient. On the weekends, students claim that a curfew before 11 pm is stricter and earlier, while after 11 pm is later and lenient.
I ran a poll asking when Alliance High School teenagers are supposed to be home on the weekends and weekdays, and why. Jewelia Taylor has a lenient curfew. On the weekdays, her curfew is 12 am, and on the weekends, her curfew varies from 1-4 am. The reason her curfew is later is because her parents trust her. Maddie Korte’s curfew is 9:30-10:00 pm. On the weekdays, she says, “I obviously have to be home to do any schoolwork.” However, on the weekends, she does not have a curfew. She says, “On weekends, my mom knows I’m not going to do anything stupid so she doesn’t care too much.”
When kids’ have an earlier curfew, their reasoning behind it does not vary. Ashlyn Glass’s curfew is 7 pm on the weekdays and 10 pm on the weekends. She says her curfew is earlier “because it’s usually late and suppers done”. Riley Lawrence has a curfew of 8:30 pm on the weekdays, and 10 pm on the weekends. Her curfew is earlier because, “My parents like me to home earlier on school days, so I start to calm down and get ready for the next day.”
Teens curfews vary mostly due to their parents and the rules set at home. Since the city of Alliance does not have a curfew, teens just have to follow their parents rules that are set at home.

Hello, I am Maycee! I am a senior at Alliance High School, and this is my second year writing for the Spud! I am the daughter of Tara and Deon Quick. I...