Jumpstart Your Future
Many upperclassmen at Alliance High School have the opportunity for dual credit classes through Western Nebraska Community College (WNCC). A few classes that are dual credit are taught at the high school while the rest of the dual credit opportunities take place on the WNCC campus. These classes allow upperclassmen to get a jumpstart on their college education while still enrolled in high school.
Senior, Keaton Cottrell, takes College English, College American Government, and College Biology. College Biology is a dual credit course taken at the high school, while the others are at the WNCC campus.
The classes that Keaton has at the WNCC campus are during second period and fourth period. Because of when classes are scheduled, Cottrell and a few other kids in band have to leave early every day. During marching season, they have to leave the field early in order to run to the band room door and grab their stuff then run the keys back to the field.
After his college class, he sometimes runs late to his third period class at the high school, which hasn’t been fun for him. He doesn’t like being late, and it is sometimes stressed to get back to class in time.
Keaton’s other college class on the WNCC campus starts after fourth period at the high school has begun; however, the class runs through lunch, which cuts it short. He gets out of the class at 11:50 and lunch ends at 12:08. The struggle to eat lunch and get to fifth period on time is stressful for Cottrell and his fellow dual credit classmates.
When comparing his college classes at WNCC to the college class at the High School, Keaton noticed many differences. “It’s way more relaxed [at WNCC] compared to College Biology. The professors for my WNCC classes talk to you more,” says Cottrell. Keaton likes how his WNCC teachers give a lecture based course rather than the packet for college biology.
“Both classes are fun, WNCC is just different than what I’m used to.”
Even though his college classes cause some stress, Keaton recommends that students take advantage of the college classes offered to them. The courses are challenging, but the workload is staggered, giving students enough time to complete each assignment.
Each student who has a college class on campus or not will tell you that dual credit classes lead to harder material. The classes will make you get out of your normal study habits and daily routines. While the work is harder, the classroom dynamics are set up in a way that you learn through discussions and most assignments are online. Most dual credit students at Alliance High School recommend taking advantage of these courses to get a jumpstart for life after you graduate high school.

Hello, I am Zachary Placek. I am a senior at Alliance High School. This is my second year on the SPUD, and I am our Senior Editor. Last year, I competed...