Are Teenagers Choosing the Right Role Models?
According to the dictionary, role model is defined as a person looked up to by others as an example to be imitated. A role model is perceived as someone who is inspirational, strong, and proactive. Teens today try to base their actions and beliefs on who they deem a role model. Teens acknowledge parents, teachers, coaches, known public figures, and celebrities as role models. With all that in mind, teens today seem to choose celebrities to look up to. So the question is: are teenagers choosing the right role models?
After running a survey over who teenagers choose as their role models, the results were more than half the teenagers said their parents. Athletes, musicians, and actors were also chosen as role models. One teenager, Corbin Stark, said Colin Kaepernick is his role model. When asking him why he chose such a controversial role model, he said, “I just find him inspiring, like he ruined his whole image for something he really cared about.” Elise Stoike chose Demi Lovato as her role model, and after asking her why, she said, “I hold Demi in a role model position for myself because no matter how many hardships she faces, she always seems to find a way to build herself back up.” Teenagers tend to look at the positives to certain idols, rather than the negatives. Yes, many celebrities show respectable and admirable traits, but it is questionable on whether or not their negative traits will rub off on those who look up to them.
Some teenagers look up to famous athletes as their role models, while others look up to musicians and actors. Demi Lovato, a teen pop star, has been in the news lately over her recent overdose. She has been struggling with drugs and depression ever since she was a young teenager. Don’t get me wrong, many teens look up to Demi because she is bold, stands up for her beliefs, and never gives up, but if teens look up to celebrities who occasionally relapse and overdose, are they going to follow in those celebrities footsteps? Teens should choose their role models wisely. Teens often choose celebrities who are widely well-known instead of celebrities who are inspiring and making a difference.
Ashton Kutcher, best known for his roles in That 70s Show, Two and a Half Men, and The Ranch, ended his successful career as an actor to put an end to sex-trafficking. His organization has helped save thousands of children from trafficking, and he is focusing on using technology to help more victims of this atrocity. Not everyone truly realizes his good doings since he is no longer in the spotlight, but still, Ashton is a tremendous role model. Many kids can find hope and inspiration to make a change just by looking up to him. Other good role models like Lebron James, who opened a school for at-risk kids, and Ellen Degeneres, who helps people on a daily basis, can be looked up to because of their aspirations.
In order for the next generation of adult leaders to be successful and healthy, teens should choose role models that too are successful and healthy. Role models who lead by example by making good choices, making a difference, and helping others are the role models that teens should pursue.

Hello, I am Maycee! I am a senior at Alliance High School, and this is my second year writing for the Spud! I am the daughter of Tara and Deon Quick. I...