Key Club Makes Lockers Brighter
On Monday, May 7, students walked to their lockers after third period and noticed personalized notes attached to them. Each note stated a kind statement about the student or words of encouragement to finish out the semester strong. These notes, courtesy of Key Club, were put all around the school to help boost morale for the end of the year.
This project took lots of preparation from the members of Key Club to make sure that each student in Alliance High School got a note on their locker so that no one was left out.
Each Key Club member was assigned six students and one teacher to “study” and write a personalized note for. The members were given a week to find out what each person was apart of and what they could compliment them on. Then, they had to write the note and give it to Ms. Smith, so that she could know how many notes were left to write.
The main inspiration for this random act of kindness? The notes that were left on the lockers of students who went to high school at Stoneman Douglas, the sight of a mass school shooting, the first day they went back to school. These notes told the students that they were on this Earth for a reason and that they are loved.
“This was inspired by a facebook video that was going around of a school that gave each student 17 sticky notes to place on lockers to commemorate those that died at Stoneman Douglas High school. I wanted to make sure each student got a note so that everyone felt included. We made sure to cross off the sticky notes from a master list to make sure EVERY student got a note,” stated Ms. Smith.
These notes left such an impact on Ms. Smith that she decided that the students of Alliance High School should be given similar words of love.
After each Key Club member wrote their notes, the process of making sure that each student and teacher had a note to read began. This process was quite a tedious one, but in the end, everyone received a note.
The process of writing and receiving a note was a unique one at that. While I was not so fond of “stalking” the students I had to write a note for, I did enjoy learning more about the students that I go to school with. There was also the great feeling of knowing that I would make someone’s day with just a simple note.

Hi! I’m Aubrie Lawrence. This is my third year writing for the SPUD. I am a Senior here at AHS, and I am the Editor-in-Chief for the SPUD. I am the oldest...