NHS: Recycling for a Cause
“This season, National Honor Society is helping Alliance High School go green! We have teamed up with Keep Alliance Beautiful and Bank of the West to ramp up our recycling efforts at varsity basketball games. Members of National Honor Society will be stationed at the blue recycling bins to help encourage fans to make the decision to recycle. Only plastic bottles and aluminum cans should be placed in the recycling bins. Bottles do not need to be empty and lids can be included. Please bring your recyclables with you when you exit the gym. National Honor Society is striving to set a positive example for our whole community. We appreciate your participation!”
This public service announcement was read at the beginning of each home varsity basketball game by National Honor Society Public Relations Officer, Safyre Yearling. At every game, four members of NHS stood at blue recycling bins placed around the gymnasium, encouraging fans from both sides to make the decision to recycle. After the games, members would then scour the stands for any bottles that were left behind.
The project lasted about three months, and after the project concluded, National Honor Society received a 500 dollar check from Keep Alliance Beautiful. Since NHS is based on serving others, members voted to purchase fabric to make more blankets for the CAPstone Child Advocacy Center for the second time. They also decided to plan a visit to the CAPstone facility in Alliance in the near future. With the remaining funds, National Honor Society bought supplies to make a basket for the Alliance Public Schools Foundation. The APS Foundation rewards students with scholarship money each year, offers grants to classroom teachers, as well as supports the school district in a variety of other ways.
Normally, National Honor Society participates in a minimum of two projects, but this year has been a little different. The organization has really embraced supporting the community and therefore, have done numerous projects that have supported the Alliance community. These include
Soon, new members will be inducted into National Honor Society. Monday, March 26 induction will be held and new members will participate in one more project to close out the school year.

Hey Spud buds! My name is Safyre Yearling! I am the 17 year old daughter of the late Amanda Preiss and Lance, and my amazing mother figure, Mandy. I am...