National Honors Society through a Junior’s Eyes
The time for applying for National Honor Society has officially ended and honestly, I am relieved. Gone are the nights of wondering if I forgot to write a volunteer hour down on my resume or sitting in the dark looking over my resume for the twentieth time. Now, all that remains is the hope that I might have a chance to become a member of National Honor Society.
National Honor Society is something that I have dreamed of since I first learned about it my eighth grade year. I remember being told to write everything that I did in high school down so I would have enough information to fill my resume. So, when I received the letter saying that I had an opportunity to apply for this prestigious organization, I thought I was going to sail smoothly through the application process. Boy was I wrong.
I had absolutely no idea where to start on my application. There was so much to do in so little time that I constantly worried I would forget to do something that would be crucial to making my application unique. I spent countless hours thinking of all the things that I had done over the past two years of my high school career, and what category to put them under.
The nightmares continued after I figured out what information went where. I had to format everything from my resume to my volunteer hour sheet, and make sure everything that I had done was ready to go. There were so many options on how to present my information that I was completely overwhelmed. Should my resume have color to make it stand out or should I keep the color to a minimum?
My only saving grace was knowing that every other junior that was applying was going through the exact same thing. Everyone wondering if their resume looks as good as the person next to them.
“Yes, the process was long and difficult, (I cried a few times) but I was never worried about what other juniors or seniors applications looked like, I tried my best to put all my efforts into mine,” said junior, Elise Stoike.
When the day finally came to hand in the applications, there was mixed feelings from just about every junior. Some handed their application over with confidence, while others looked over their resume one last time before handing it in to Mrs. Digmann with shaking hands.
Whether I get in or not, this experience has been stressful, yet education filled. I learned that even the tiniest detail matters and that comparing yourself to others will not help get the process over any faster. Each person is unique in their own way, and what they present on their resume is different than anyone else’s. So, to all the sophomores I may have just terrified, I encourage you to apply for National Honor Society and recognize all the accomplishments you have done over the past few years.

Hi! I’m Aubrie Lawrence. This is my third year writing for the SPUD. I am a Senior here at AHS, and I am the Editor-in-Chief for the SPUD. I am the oldest...