Every Drop Counts
This year, the Alliance High School held their annual fall blood drive. Throughout the school days of Tuesday, November 28, and Wednesday, November 29, a great number of students donated their blood to help people in need all across the world.
I myself had the opportunity to donate, and did just that. The thought of having a needle in my arm was a little bit scary, but it is a necessary pain to help someone in need.
This being the first time I had ever donated blood, walking into the appointment seemed scary at first, but as soon as they called my name, I knew that there was nothing to fear.
After checking my iron levels and blood pressure, the donation began. The process was less painful than I thought it would be and I was done with my donation in no time. I was then advised to drink water and eat a salty snack, so I didn’t feel sick.
After eating, I felt fine and was free to go. While some felt terrible after donating, I felt as if I hadn’t lost any blood at all. Each person is different and react to donating in a different way.
In total, forty-seven people donated blood, during this blood drive, while this wasn’t as many as the spring blood drive, all of the blood will still go to people who have been affected by natural disasters or are in need of blood transfusions, due to an illness.
“I really think students care about others and want to do good things. The United Blood Services rep came and spoke to Key Club two weeks ago and said with all the Hurricanes and other disasters we have had (fire, flooding and tornadoes) that the blood supply is running low,” states Ms. Smith.
The students of Alliance High School always follow through and do whatever is necessary to help others. I am glad that I was apart of the process of helping others and will likely be donating again.
If you didn’t have a chance to donate this time around, or want to donate again, there will be another blood drive in the spring of 2018. If you are willing, be sure to donate, as there are people all over the world who are in need of blood.
Ms. Smith advises donors to “Eat a lot of protein and drink a lot of water prior to your donation. This will help you to feel better when you donate.”

Hi! I’m Aubrie Lawrence. This is my third year writing for the SPUD. I am a Senior here at AHS, and I am the Editor-in-Chief for the SPUD. I am the oldest...