FBLA Installation
On October 23, the reactivation of the Alliance chapter of Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) and the installation of officers was held in the Alliance High School library at 7 pm. The installation was conducted by five officers from the Chadron chapter of FBLA. Five officers: Aubree Noble, Kellie Waugh, Brooklyn Stack, Lauren Collins, Brooklynn Fritzler, and two advisors: Brenda Budler and Renae Noble, drove from Chadron to reactivate this chapter, which is part of a National Project that the Chadron chapter has been working on.

Aubree Noble, the President of the Chadron chapter of FBLA, began the meeting with a description of the purpose of FBLA. The officers of the Alliance chapter are:
Dylan Horton: President
Jaiden Brown: Vice President
Hannah Middleton and Kelsey Horton: Co-Treasurers
Zac Placek: Secretary
Sydney Waldron: Historian
Joel Baker: Parliamentarian
Lane Applegarth and Corbin Stark: Public Relations/Social Media
These members were then installed as they lit a colored candle that corresponded with their roles. The Installation of Officers was finished once they recited the oath of membership, which was led by President, Dylan Horton.

The Alliance Chapter of FBLA was installed with 22 charter members: Lane Applegarth, Joel Baker, Blythe Boness, Jaiden Brown, Colby Burri, Cameron Collins, Jensen Curtis, Dylan Horton, Kelsey Horton, Jorgen Johnson, Hannah Middleton, Megan Oligmueller, Zac Placek, Cherokee Purviance, Tyler Quick, Jun Robbins, Misti Robertson, Brianna Shafer, Corbin Stark, Liam Swires, Sydney Waldron, and Cameron Wood, twelve of which were present. These members participated in the ceremony by reciting the FBLA Creed, which states the basic principles and goals of the organization. The official installation of the Alliance chapter ended after this, and members and their families were treated to desserts and drinks.
This reactivated chapter is already up and running, their first project was working with Keep Alliance Beautiful to put trash and recycle bins in the Alliance High School parking lot. The chapter has also begun preparing for the State Leadership Conference, which will be held in Omaha early next year. Assistant Advisor, Sherrye Belford stated, “We are looking forward to a very successful first year.”

Hello, I am Zachary Placek. I am a senior at Alliance High School. This is my second year on the SPUD, and I am our Senior Editor. Last year, I competed...