An Enchanted Night
Alliance High School’s Prom of 2017, An Enchanted Night, is just a few short days away and it seems that it has creeped up on most of the students who will be attending. It is not that it is any earlier in the year or anything different this year, so why does it feel like everyone is so underprepared for prom? Is it because people don’t have time to think about prom? Do students not find prom as important as it used to be? I am a senior at Alliance High School getting ready to attend my last high school prom and I don’t have one specific answer for those questions.
I have attended and will attend all three proms that I have been allowed to attend. Each year that I go, I buy a dress, cute shoes, find a nice date, eat dinner and then go dance the night away. Each year it is always the same and this year I have spent hardly anytime preparing for it. Maybe it is because I have so much more going on trying to get things ready for graduation, but it does feel like even for underclassmen no one is ready or maybe it is that prom just isn’t a priority, it isn’t something that kids look forward to anymore.
Prom can be extremely expensive to spend a bunch of money to wear a cute dress for one night and for some girls that is worth it and for other girls it isn’t. After asking Katie Failor how she felt about prom she said, “Prom is more stressful for the girls because we have to worry about makeup, hair, dinner, and so much more. The guys just have to do the promposal and get the tux, which they usually get help with.” But just like Katie said for the boys it isn’t so stressful. “I don’t find prom to be that stressful because I had a friend draw my promposal and my date is taking care of the rest” said Kyle King when asking him the same question.
So now moving on for the next few years to come is prom something that kids would upset not having? What would kids do without a prom? Alliance High School has slowly got rid of other small dances throughout the years because of small numbers of kids attending, too expensive for families, and much more but the kids have no complained that the dances are gone. Is prom going to end up to be one of those dances that no one cares if it happens or doesn’t happen?

Hi, my name is McKenna Romick I am now going into my fourth year of high school and my third year being a writer for The SPUD. The spring of my sophomore...