Members of AHS Musical Perform Young Frankenstein

On April 9, 10, and 11, the members of the Alliance High School musical performed Young Frankenstein. The play tells the story of Dr. Viktor von Frankenstein’s grandson, who was also a doctor named Frederick.
The first act began with the funeral procession of the late Dr. von Frankenstein. Inspector Kampf, a police officer with a wooden arm and leg, tells the villagers of the dead doctor’s grandson, who lives in New York. The young scientist, played by senior Colin Cox, is ashamed to be the offspring of Dr. von Frankenstein. He attempts to separate himself from his family name by demanding it be pronounced “Fronkensteen.” Frederick soon learns that he must settle his grandfather’s estate, which he has inherited. He must make the long trek to Transylvania, but not before being seen off by his fiancée Elizabeth Benning, played by senior Aaliyah Dunn. Her humorous rendition of “Please Don’t Touch Me” reminded her soon to be spouse that their relationship was anything but physical.
Soon after his arrival in Transylvania, Frederick runs into Igor, the hunchbacked grandson of Victor von Frankenstein’s right-hand man. Igor, played by sophomore Trajan Garcia, is beyond excited to meet Frederick. He insists that the young doctor follow in his grandfather’s footsteps and create a new monster. Many hours after Frederick’s arrival at the castle, a laboratory assistant named Inga, played by senior Christa Horn, finds the secret entrance leading to von Frankenstein’s lab after hearing eerie violin music. Upon entering the secret lab, Frederick and Inga discover that the music came from Frau Blucher, the castle’s housekeeper. Her rendition of “He Vas My Boyfriend”, sang by foreign exchange student Shari Schober, revealed that the Frau Blucher was not just von Frankenstein’s housekeeper, but also his girlfriend. Frederick reviews his grandfather’s notes and decides to go ahead with making a monster. He sends Igor to retrieve a large body from the cemetery and the brain of a scholar. Igor accidentally drops the brain and swaps it with another. After the procedure is finished, the monster, played by junior Jordan Mak, goes haywire and escapes at the hands of Frau Blucher.
In act two, the villagers are searching for young Frankenstein’s monster. Frau Blucher plays the violin in an attempt to soothe the creature and bring him back, while Frederick’s fiancée Elizabeth surprises him with a visit to Transylvania, along with her entourage. The monster appears at a theatre in the village, dressed as a gentleman and able to walk and dance on command. He kisses Elizabeth, who then falls in love with him. Afterwards, Frederick attempts to transfer his intelligence to the monster. The young doctor is knocked unconscious, after which the monster uses his newly acquired medical skills to diagnose him and bring him back to life. Elizabeth arrives and is proposed to by the monster. Frau Blucher has a “blind date” with a sightless hermit, and Igor thinks his hump is gone. Unfortunately for him, his hump is just in the middle now. Frederick proposes to his laboratory assistant, Count Dracula appears, and the cast takes their final bow.
The play was riddled with humorous excerpts taken from pop culture, including references to 50 Shades of Grey and “My Humps” by the Black Eyed Peas. Igor the hunchback’s singing of “my humps, my bumps, my lovely Igor lumps” was arguably the funniest part of the play.
Sadly, Young Frankenstein will be the last performance for seniors Colin Cox, Aaliyah Dunn, and Christa Horn. The Spud congratulates them on their fantastic musical career at Alliance High School!

Hi! My name is Sophi Sanchez and I am a senior here at Alliance High. I'm a third year writer for the Spud. My sophomore year, I placed fifth in the state...