Kiss the Class of ’15 Goodbye
The class of 2015 has had lots of ups and downs, but they’ve finally made it and it’s time for them to start the next chapter in their life. As they count down the rest of the school days until graduation, the question is, are they excited to graduate, start a new adventure and meet new people? Or are they afraid to leave the nest?
Though graduation is something that everyone looks forward to, once it approaches many students begin to panic. From the parties, to finalizing grades, to deciding on college, all of these things can distract seniors from the upcoming celebration.
Tess Benham said, “I’m excited and ready to leave, but it’s a stressful process and exhausting. Being a senior is a great feeling. For me I feel like I should already be out of here like time is not moving quick enough. It’s almost like a feeling of freedom just around the corner.” Colton Rolls said, “I’m excited to leave, the experience was fun but it’s time to move on to bigger things and start moving towards a career. Also the scenery was getting kinda boring.” Cameron Nagaki said, “I’m a little bit of both, excited but scared because the real world starts in a few months and that withholds your future.” Taylor Pavich said,” I’m so excited! It’s been four years to long of high school.” Kobe Giger said, “ Graduation sucks. You have been doing the same thing for 12 years and you haven’t had to worry about anything. You just get to be a kid and you don’t have to worry about driving, vacations, money, or anything. So, now that you’ve graduated, it’s a new beginning. It could be good or bad. You could fail at life or you could become very successful. It’s some scary stuff; I’m not going to lie. Who wants to go pay for insurance and other things like rent?”
The SPUD wishes the class of 2015 the best of luck in their endeavors!

Hi guys. My name is Carissa Adamson. I'm sixteen and I'm a sophomore.I have three siblings. Jacob is a freshman, Brycen is going to be a fourth grader...