Students Meet Smith
Adrian Smith came to Alliance High to visit with students.

Adrian Smith visits with students on April 7th.
On Tuesday, April 7, Representative Adrian Smith came to Alliance High School to visit with some of the students, answer their questions, and encourage them to value education and to work hard. Smith was in the area taking a tour of the different towns in his district, and he looked forward to meeting with students. Smith, a Gering native, gave a short background of his history, and where he came from, before opening the floor to the students.
Alliance High was the first school that he had stopped and talked at so far, asking the question at the beginning if a student had anything that they would like to ask the President. “Today was the first time that I asked students that question,” said Smith, “I think I’m going to use it a lot more, I think it gets people thinking about how much of an influence just one individual can have.”
Fielding questions for about an hour, Smith gave responses to a wide variety of questions from students and staff, including healthcare, the national debt, agriculture, and others. What generated the largest response from Smith were questions asked by government teacher Michael Baker, as well as Superintendent Troy Unzicker. Baker questioned Smith on his views of President Obama’s foreign policy, and the criticism that he has received. Smith talked of the founding fathers, stating “The founders set up a system built on skepticism from the public towards the government, which is a good thing.” Smith was also quick to note that the President is currently working hard to make a deal with Iran, something that is a very important issue that not a lot of people tend to be paying attention to. In closing on this topic, Smith quoted former Prime Minister Tony Blair of England saying, “It is not America’s job to be loved, America’s role is to lead.” Dr. Troy Unzicker brought up the issue of voting, to which Smith stressed to the students it’s importance. “The country is run by those who show up,” said Smith, “ by not voting, you are allowing others to make the decisions for you.” Smith highlighted that 2016 is a big year for elections, as there will be a new president elected.
Though not the main focus of his talk, Smith also pointed out all the opportunities that students need to take. “The taxpayers in each community do a lot to make sure that the youth of the area has opportunity,” said Smith. “Take advantages of all the resources you have available, because there is a great opportunity to learn and educate yourself.” Smith also reminded students that everything they have is a blessing. “Don’t take these resources for granted, there are people sacrificing their lives to defend these rights and freedoms, so take advantage of every opportunity that comes.”
Adrian Smith pointed out that even though he doesn’t work closely with President Obama, he could still take questions to him. “I don’t have a lot of interaction with the President, but I do have the opportunity to send a message to him, in a fairly direct manner.” Smith is hoping that by talking to the students, he was able to make them more interested in what was going on in the world.

Hi, I am Brian Gould, a third year writer, and Editor-In-Chief for the SPUD. I am a Senior at Alliance High School. I play tennis for the Bulldogs. I am...