Blind Date with a Book!
The Alliance High School Librarian, Ms. McBride, found an interesting way to introduce new books and ideas for readers at Alliance High and add some festive fun for the month of February. Calling it Blind date with a Book! Made for anyone interested for a new challenge and to change up what they typically read. Mrs. McBride wrapped books up in brown paper with a short description on the wrapper of what the book under the cover is about. Students pick what book they want by the description. Only trick is once they unwrap the book of choice, they have to go on their blind date, read the book.
Blind Date with a Book was not only for getting kids to read more but also for a deeper meaning. Everybody knows the saying “don’t judge a book by its cover” and this project was exactly that. People often read books just for the looks on the outside or what is on the cover. Not always do people pick out books just because of the inside. Just like the way most people judge others these days. This is also teaching the kids that there is more on the inside if you take a closer look. With the books covered people have no choice but to pick a book for the inside. Making it more likely to get a book that they like but would not normally pick up.
Ms. McBride said, “Blind Date with a Book has been a hit.” Ms. McBride started out with 9 books but because so many students liked the idea they ended up wrapping around 20 books. Around fifteen students have already checked out unwrapped books of their choice. The library has attracted new faces that rarely check out books to come in and give the Blind Date a try. “This was just something different to bring a little fun into our February!” said Ms. McBride. The blind date with a Book is something that is used to attract students to the library, something it has done. Be sure to head to the library to check out the books!

Hi, my name is McKenna Romick I am now going into my fourth year of high school and my third year being a writer for The SPUD. The spring of my sophomore...