FCA players inspire others
Saturday the seventeenth two Nebraska volleyball players talked to seventh grade to senior volleyball girls. They talked about being a good teammate and not letting things outside of volleyball affect you on the court. Alicia Ostrander, Kadie Rolfzen, Nathan Wong and Aaron Wong, Nebraska athletes, came to talk to students about how they let God into their lives and how he changed their lives. Before they talked they played a game called icebreaker. There were groups of five or six and the kids had to act out things like some were pretending to be a plane or being on a roller coaster!
The athletes talked about how they were raised with God in their lives and went to church every Sunday. But just because you go to church doesn’t mean that you have a relationship with God they stresses. All their stories were about how God had impacted their lives. Aaron Wong talked about how he started hanging out with the wrong crowd and did the wrong things but he found his way back and got involved with the FCA program. Kadie Rolfzen said she was cocky in high school and thought she was the stuff but when she went to play volleyball for Nebraska she realized that all the athletes there were good. So she wasn’t having the best start, they were losing games and she asked God, “how could you do this to me?” Well when they started winning games she wasn’t praising God like she should.
Alicia Ostrander was talking about how her friend was saved by God so they started going to church together. But once she went to college however, she stopped going because she didn’t know anyone and didn’t know where to go. She found out about the FCA Program and started going to that. Nate Wong talked about how he went to a golf tournament and they took the top five players and he was one of them. He was having a bad day and he was trying to hit the ball in the hole and he hit it way left every time. He keep thinking,” why can’t the ball just go in?” He was really mad so he hit the golf club against the ground and he broke it. He said,” people probably thought that I had anger issues or something.” His coach realized that he was having a bad day so he pulled him aside, and that is where he lost it. He said the point of this story was no one is perfect but God is. We are all imperfect and we can’t live up to Gods expectations. At the end, they had a table out and you could go get an autographed picture from all of them. students could also get information about FCA camps. Their stories were enjoyable and they were interesting. The students were glad they came!

Hi guys. My name is Carissa Adamson. I'm sixteen and I'm a sophomore.I have three siblings. Jacob is a freshman, Brycen is going to be a fourth grader...