AHS Promotes Community Service
CAN-struction is a service project where kids sculpt structures using only canned goods. You may only use canned goods or nonperishable items you may not use any glass. The structure cannot exceed 10ft long by 10ft wide by 10ft high. All of the food must go to local food banks. Last year for the first time Ms. Schroer, the Chemistry and Physics teacher at AHS, got a group of students together to do CAN-struction. Last year they constructed a bowl of cereal, a juice box and a piece of toast, this allowed the team to give the backpack program around fifteen hundred cans of food.
Alliance has a group of high school girls who will be participating in this year’s CAN-struction service project. The captains are Ashley Fattig and Taylor Dudley along with four others, Victoria Redecker, Mackenzie Allen, Alexis Garrett, and Britney Dunkel. They have decided that they will be making one big piece of pumpkin pie made out of mostly cans of pumpkin pie filling. These girls spend their own time in the library after school on selected days where they practice by setting up the structure to get the feel for how and where to put cans. They repair any problems that they face, then take it back down until their next night of practice. They practice until they feel that it is perfect and meet all the requirements. They only have a couple of weeks left to make their structure perfect so they may present on November 4th at the Scottsbluff Mall.
There are lots of service projects that kids could get involved with but this project alone is a creative project for kids to spend their extra time with. “The project teaches the kids that they can have fun while also giving back and helping the community,” said Ms. Schroer. It makes the kids use arts and engineering while showing them that giving back to the community is something we should do more often.

Hi, my name is McKenna Romick I am now going into my fourth year of high school and my third year being a writer for The SPUD. The spring of my sophomore...