Harmonics Take Home Gold

The Alliance Harmonics Show Choir traveled to Imperial, Nebraska for a show choir competition on Monday February 10th. On arrival, the show choir team had to change into costume, head down to the cafeteria and eat some Chinese while hoping not to spill anything on their clothes, then head to the warm up room and practice immediately with a full stomach only making the nerves worse. Everyone was already exhausted and the nerves were starting to set in. Using those last few minutes to memorize everything that was a little rocky and put the finishing touches on the dances. When Harmonics walked out of the warm up room and behind the curtains the tension was in the air and you could almost smell the nerves.

Harmonics performed the songs “Radioactive” by Imagine Dragons, “It’s Time” also by Imagine Dragons, and “Life’s a Happy Song” sang by the Muppets. After the show, the critique teacher left Harmonics not knowing what to think and once again the nerves were there. A break presented itself and Harmonics got to watch the competition perform and all they could think was “Were we that good?” Harmonics then changed back into regular dress clothes and made their way back into the show room for awards. During awards everyone was crossing their fingers, legs, toes, and tongues for at least an award. Harmonic’s hard work paid off because they walked out with nothing less than the Gold.  Congratulations to the Harmonics show choir on all their hard work paying off.