Twerking Being Banned
At Annapolis High School in Maryland, students and parents are now being required to sign a dance contract saying that students will not “twerk” at school dances. The school is trying to cut down on provocative dancing. The contract that is being sent home with the students outlines the school’s policies and expected student behavior. The contract states that “sexually explicit dancing will not be tolerated,” and it defines explicit as “buttocks touching a partner or in the air.”
Bob Mosier, the school system’s spokesperson, says “As the years have gone on, the provocative nature of dancing had become such that you need to communicate to students and to parents exactly what the expectations are and what the consequences for violations would be.” Susan Chittim, principal of Annapolis High School says twerking is banned at her school because it makes “some kids feel left out,” and it makes other students feel “uncomfortable.” She also says, “a lot of kids might not even know how to do it.”
This is not the first time the school has had a dance contract, but this is the first year parents are being required to sign the contract. Nine of the Twelve high schools in the Anne Arundel County Public School system have adopted some sort of a dance contract for their students to sign before they can come and participate in the school dance.
Another California High School is also banning twerking from their school dances. The Orange County administrators at Aliso Niguel High School decided the “rump-busting” is sexually suggestive and should no longer be allowed on campus or at school dances. The school has a few types of dances such as “freaking”, “grinding,” and now “twerking” that are all banned from school dances. So far this is the only school in the district that has put a ban on twerking.
In an interview with senior, Mackenzie Molyneaux, she was asked if she thought twerking was bad and if she thinks that it need’s to be banned from school dances? She responded by saying ”No, I don’t think it’s that bad. I do think it’s inappropriate, but I don’t think we need to ban it.” Senior Gaige Lehl said, ”It’s very disrespectful. I feel like women’s don’t need to do that to be cool and they need to find other appropriate ways to have more fun. It’s not as cool as everyone thinks it is and I think that women need to respect they way the look at themselves more.”
So all in all, is twerking really that bad that it should be banned from school dances? In some people eyes, yes. People feel that it is very inappropriate and very sexually suggestive and that teenagers don’t need to be promoting this kind of stuff. In a news article it says that twerking is becoming very popular among teens because of pop star Miley Cyrus even though twerking has been around for a while.
Dr. Pat Jones • Nov 15, 2013 at 2:17 pm
I am very interested in this article on twerking. I find this practice to be very inappropriate and would like to see it disappear from our dances. I believe it places students in positions that are unacceptable and may lead to behavior that could most certainly be regrettable. The best way to solve an issue like this is for our students to say no to twerking and show proper respect to and for each other. School dances can be a great time for all in attendance. They do not have to be and should not be “R” rated. I encourage our student body to clean up our dances and strive to make them fun places to be.