The bowlers had a bowling meet in Gordon on Saturday. Since their last meet, they’ve worked really hard to improve. It’s the bowling team’s first meet outside of town in a new bowling alley, but it’s not their first meet of the season. Head coach Mrs. Mangas has been working hard with the team. Her husband, Mr. Mangas, and three other mentors have also helped with the team. They will be bringing two official teams and one back-up team. The teams consist of five people per team.
In an interview with Maci Cornish, she states,” In the Gordon meet I bowled okay but of course, there’s always room for improvement. The bowling team can focus on picking up spares better and having a good attitude about where you are put. I feel people got down on themselves but you have to keep your head high and keep going”. Maci has recently started bowling and has shown great improvement from when she first started and now.
Overall, the bowling team did amazing. They won against Gordon and everyone looked good while bowling and performed extremely well especially under stress. It’s hard to believe they were so awake despite having to wake up and take a bus ride so early in the morning. They had to leave early to make sure they had enough time to prepare for their meet. Everyone is extremely proud of the bowling team, go bulldogs!