E-Sports Season Kicks Off

The E-Sports team gets ready to start their competitive season! For the past couple of months, Mrs. Rejino an English teacher has been getting the Egaming team ready to compete. Playing Super Smash Bros against other schools. The Alliance E-Sports consists of two teams, the captain for team one Mason Trumble, and the captain for team two is Mandie Ylander.
I asked Mandie Ylander how she feels now that the competitive season is beginning. She stated that “I’m excited to start the season off with my favorite team, I’m ready for our challenges and ready to face them with power and courage”. Different schools come together to go 1v1 against Alliance, but the teams stated that they “got the season in the bag”. Later on, I asked Mason what’s he looking forward to the most.
He stated, “It’s going to be a great time, I always have a blast and I just want to have fun most importantly.” Starting the season off on a good note the Alliance E-Sports team already won their first match of the season against York. Leaving the team excited for the next games of the season. “We are ready we came to fight not to lose”. The SPUD would like to wish the E-Sports team good luck in their next matches!

Caylee Loomis was born and raised in Alliance, Nebraska. She went to school from preschool to her seventh-grade year in Alliance then transferred...