Girls’ Golf 2021
Girls’ Golf started in the middle of August this year. Berline Clear is the girl’s golf coach. She has been coaching them for 3 years now. The girls that participated this year in golf were Chloe Mann, Morgan Young, Donna LeMunyun, Julia Wilson, Annaka Digmann, Kayel Lambert, Emily McCune, Haylee Stull, Katelyn Heisler and Annika Fuchs. State golf was on October 11 and 12. Their last tournament was districts in Sidney, Nebraska on October 4.
At their first tournament, Western Conference, the AHS girls golf team came in third place. Morgan Young placed 8th and Julia Wilson placed 5th. Julia Wilson has placed in the top ten at every tournament this year and was able to make it to state. Morgan Young is one of the golf girls and has been playing golf since her freshman year of high school. When asked if she plans on doing golf after high school, she replied, “Yes, I do plan on playing golf in college.” She started playing golf because she wanted to try something new in her life.
Julia Wilson had the best score this year scoring an 87. Wilson’s family used to go out and play golf when she was younger. Both of her parents enjoyed playing golf so she decided to try it. She used to play when she was little, but she states that it was only the last four years of high school that she has taken golf seriously.
Wilson’s favorite part about playing golf is how easy it is to see herself improve. She explained, “Like my putting, I could see myself becoming more and more consistent.” She was excited this year about having a bigger team this year.
Julia explains that her coach, Palmer and the girls on her team have helped her so much. Her coach doesn’t just help with her technique, but also heps her stay mentally strong. Jared Palmer, the golf pro at their court, has also helped her a lot with getting her swing right. Wilson said, “[The golf girls] are constantly supporting each other and making each other laugh whenever one of us has a bad shot. It’s nice to know they are all there supporting me.” The Spud would like to congratulate them on a great season!

Hi! My name is Cynthia Wing. I am 15 years old and in 10th grade. This is my first year on the Spud. I am the daughter of Maria and Henry (step-dad)...