Softball Preview: 2019
One of the many fall sports going on at AHS right now, is softball. This year’s team has six returning senior starters: Taylor Manion, Jaycee Acosta, Kylie Adams, Erika Bucy, Brandi Seebohm and Aubrey Garrett. Along with those seniors, Payten Gibson and Morgan Moomey are also returning varsity players. With this amount of returners, a chance at state is becoming more clear everyday.
This year, there are seven freshmen on the team. One of the freshman, Brianna Huston, starts as pitcher for JV and second base for varsity. When asked about starting varsity as a freshman, Huston replied, “I am very proud of myself and [my] personal growth since off season last winter. It is very intimidating playing with the upperclassmen, but I’m grateful I’ve had the opportunity to show what I can do on the field.”
This year is Coach Palomo’s fifth year as head coach of the team. “My goal this year for the team is to compete at a high level and make a good run at districts.” says Coach Palomo. When I asked him if he had any personal goals as a coach, he responded, “Patience, more patience, and continue to be patient.”
The Lady Bulldogs kicked off their season August 23 in Holdredge. These games scored a win for both the JV and varsity teams. A tournament was scheduled for August 24 in Lexington, but unfortunately, the weather didn’t cooperate. The varsity girls also racked up another win over Chadron on August 27. Last Friday, August 30, the girls suffered two devastating losses in Southern Valley. On the bright side, the girls managed to take third in the Holdrege Invite the next day, August 31.
September 10 was supposed to be the girls’ first home game, but with the rain, the girls played in Scottsbluff. The game ended with the Bulldogs down 1-5. A rain delay concluded the game, but potentially, the game will be made up this weekend at the Twin Cities Invite. Good luck Lady Bulldogs!

Hi everyone! My name is Morgan Moomey. I am a senior at AHS, and this is my third and final year writing for the SPUD. This year I am Co-Editor-in-Chief...