New Sport at AHS
There is a new sport coming here to Alliance High school and that just happens to be bowling. The coaches for this new sport are Mr. and Mrs. Mangas, teachers at AHS and the Alliance middle school. The first team meeting took place at the AHS library in the last week of September. It was discovered that the season will open on October 17. Like all of the other sports and activities within the high school, eligibility will be required to participate in competitions.
Although specific practice times have yet to be announced and will be based upon the availability of the alley, they will be scheduled from 4:00 – 4:30pm or 5:30 – 6:00pm. Teams will be comprised of at least three people, however a fourth and fifth person may be added as substitutes. Bowling is also affiliated with the Special Olympics.
Each competition will consist of six “Baker style” games, which is where one person on the team will bowl a frame, so that each person will contribute to one total score. The first competition will be Saturday, October 29, Triangular in Alliance. It will be a short season of eight weeks and will be a fall sport, but may overlap into the winter sport season.
As for a dress code, there will be no shorts, skirts, jeans, or hats allowed during competitions and they will be ordering team shirts. Slacks of any color (without tears or holes) will be required to wear when the participant is competing.
This will be Mr. Mangas’ first year as a bowling coach and when asked why he wanted to become the coach for this particular sport, he said because he was in League bowling in middle school through high school and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Alliance will be 1 of 4 schools in the Panhandle that is doing Unified Bowling this year and it was Dr. Unzicker who signed up our school to participate. We as a school look forward to seeing how this new activity pans out! Bowlers: Keep your minds out of the gutter!

Hey guys! My name is Oryanna Trout, but I prefer to be called Ory. I’m the sixteen year old daughter of Michael and Daneen Trout. I have two older sisters...