Softball: Growing as a Team

Just Shoot Me Photographics
Smack! The cheer of the crowd, the roar of the team, the running of the bases. This is the game known as softball. The AHS softball team has come out with a bang. Despite not winning yet, they haven’t given up. The fundamentals and skills have improved drastically. They have bonded as a team, as well have they grown as a family. Coaches Anita James, Scott Mills, and Lili Gomez have pushed them, but it has all been for good reasons.
Anita James has been coaching for four years. Two as head coach and two as assistant coach. She says “The team has a good group of girls that are working hard and improving everyday. They just need to clean up some stuff and they will be on the right track.” Coach James says “We have a good group of girls and the most positive thing is that the team doesn’t let drama get in the way of our good attitudes.”
Scott Mills has coached for twenty years. He says we have had a great year so far and he likes that we have enthusiasm. “This team has good players with good attitudes,” says Mills. He says “There is a lot of positives, but the main positive is that the players are willing to play different positions.”
As a member of the team, winning doesn’t affect me. My main goal for this year, is to play to my best and try my hardest to become a team. We have worked our butts off to get to the point we are at now. We are working to be the best we can be, and our motto this year is: Day by day we get better and better, until we can’t be beat and won’t be beat.

My name is Peyton Stoike. I’m a senior at AHS. I’ve played for the high school softball team since my freshman year. I’m a very good student, and...