“Don’t ever think there is someone who doesn’t have it worse than you.” That was one of the many messages that legendary college basketball coach Don Meyer had to share with the community of Alliance when he visited and shared his message on Tuesday.

The visit came about because Coach Meyer and Alliance High Activities Director Tim Wallace are good friends. Meyer said “… (Wallace) called me and wanted to do something. My wife’s folks live in Greeley, Colorado, and we’re going to go down there a visit, so this worked out well.” Meyer and his wife, Carmen, spoke with the students at the high school and middle school during the day and to the public later that night.
Meyer spoke with the students about his life and how his success came to be. He told lots of stories and jokes and gave the students many inspirational and motivational messages. Toward the end of his presentation he talked about a choosing friends and using the analogy of a ”foxhole.” To be in someone’s “foxhole” you must be loyal and trustworthy. Meyer asked for a volunteer and then had that person choose three people from the audience to join her on stage in the “foxhole”. Meyer asked the question. He then asked the entire audience to consider. “Are you in anyone’s foxhole?”

Coach Meyer left the students with the final message: “Your example is not an important thing in the influence of others; it’s the only thing.”
Coach Meyer is currently one of the most winningest coaches in any division in the NCAA. In February of 2010 Meyer announced his retirement from Northern State, but continues to work there in the role of Regents Distinguished Professor and the Assistant to the President. Following a serious car accident and cancer diagnosis in 2009, Meyer received national recognition in various national media outlets. In July he was named the winner of the Jimmy V. Perseverance award at the ESPN ESPY’S. Meyer has been married to his wife, Carmen, for 42 years and they have three children and eight grandchildren.