Halloween is a huge holiday for many students! Whether it’s dressing up or receiving a ridiculous amount of candy! Only one thing stands in the student’s way of dressing up, and that is because it’s not allowed. Looking forward to the day the rule of no dressing up for Halloween is lifted by Mr. Stein students patiently wait. Asking Mrs. James Why dressing up isn’t allowed on Halloween she stated “It’s a huge distraction that’s it”. Sending out a poll to the student body many students responded with, “ I wish dressing up was allowed I look forward to Halloween every year and always spend a lot of money on my costume, I’d really like to show it off honestly.” Which falls hand in hand if the costume is school appropriate or not. As school keeps pushing through I hope one day the school will uplift the costume rule!
With Halloween being a main topic the town looks forward to its annual trunk or treating ranging in business big or small. Such as the fire department with their antique fire truck called the LaFrance or the countless amount of pumpkins displayed by businesses! Interviewing parents many stated, “ Trunk or Treating is something my kids really look forward to mainly because of the candy, but their friends are always down here as well.” Coming hand in hand business always puts their community first in displaying a lot of Halloween spirit. Big or Small the community always knows how to leave a smile on people’s faces!