Coronavirus Conspiracy
The Coronavirus has deeply impacted the whole world and has undeniably turned the whole world upside down. It has made people go ballistic and it has brought out the controlling side of a lot of people, but there are a lot of conspiracy theories out there about this pandemic essentially arguing the existence of this virus and challenging it’s true purpose.
According to The New York Times “The conspiracy theories all carry a common message: The only protection comes from possessing the secret truths that ‘they’ don’t want you to hear.” Ultimately humans often look to conspiracies in order to eliminate the truth. The truth can be scary and humans tend to fend for a different answer and one that is more convenient and less hurtful. The article later mentions that “If the truth does not fill those needs, we humans have an incredible capacity to invent stories that will, even when some part of us knows they are false.” There are plenty of examples of humans fending for false information, “Widely shared, Instagram posts falsely suggested that the coronavirus was planned by Bill Gates on behalf of pharmaceutical companies.” This New York Times article gives plenty of examples that the public is falling for or is trying to believe for the sake of feeling better about this crisis. The article explains a few more conspiracy theories circulating the planet. The article mentions that “In Alabama, Facebook posts falsely claimed that shadowy powers had ordered sick patients to be secretly helicoptered into the state. In Latin America, equally baseless rumors have proliferated that the virus was engineered to spread H.I.V. In Iran, pro-government voices portray the disease as a Western plot.” On an article entitled “A Fake Pandemic” was written with the intent of informing people on the many rumors circulating. One connected the virus to Facebook groups who oppose mandatory vaccinations. One theory stated “Claiming the virus might not exist at all. ‘If you’re still thinking it’s coincidental that a pandemic erupted in the midst of a state by state sweep to REMOVE your right to refuse vaccination, it’s time to get your head out of the sand,’ the group Oregonians for Healthcare Choice posted on March 20.”
There are many conspiracies and these are just a few. A lot of others include conspiracies based on how the media has blown this virus out of proportion. Another is telling readers to stop washing their hands so much. There are a lot of conspiracies surrounding the CDC and their facts. The media is otherwise challenging them and their information, claiming it as false information. It is smart to check your sources and to not fall for false statements based on people’s capacity to invent believable stories.

Hi! My name is Crystal Garza. I’m a senior at AHS, and this will be my third year writing for the SPUD. I’m the oldest daughter of Richard and Oneyda...