Newlyweds Ditch Honeymoon For Charity
Mark and Ismini Svensson have traveled in plenty of planes, trains, cars and boats since they have got married. Although the newlyweds haven’t been jet-setting off to a honeymoon, they’ve been traveling across the country to help those who are in need. The New York couple has spent the last two years conquering “50 Acts of Giving Back” — the challenge they’re determined to complete instead of relaxing in post-wedding bliss. They’ve been on a mission to shed light on causes they believe in and complete random acts of kindness in every U.S. state — from giving out meals to homeless people in Missouri and showing rescue animals love in Florida, to donating gifts to sick kids in Arkansas and supporting domestic abuse victims in Utah.
The couple used funds they had on hand for a wedding reception to finance their journey across all 50 states instead of a reception. They also opted out of the traditional honeymoon trip. Inspired by the support and donations that came about during their travels, the Svensson’s started a New York-based nonprofit organization “Stay United”. The program oversees a number of programs focused on bettering education and health for youth. The couple posted photos and updates of their acts of kindness on Stay United’s Facebook page. The decision to ditch out on the typical honeymoon experience was a pretty simple one according to Ismini. She expressed that the couple was happiest when they were helping people in need.
With their 6-month-old daughter by their side, the Svenssons have utilized social media throughout the trip, engaging groups and people from each state to see where and how they could help along the way. “We realized my father [wouldn’t be at the wedding],” Ismini told NBC News. “So we’re trying to figure out ways we can make it so somehow in his memory, we do something that he maybe would love to see us do.”
Although “50 Acts of Giving Back” may be coming to an end, the couple is determined to keep the giving going. On the Stay United website, the Svenssons are encouraging supporters to conduct their own random acts of kindness and share it with the nonprofit on social media so that the good deeds live on. The message the Svenssons would like to come from their project is that everyone can do something to make a difference, even if it’s just in something small in our own communities.

Hey guys! My name is Madison Hiemstra, I am the 17 year old daughter of Randy and Angie Hiemstra and currently a senior here at Alliance High School. I...