Iconic Teen Movies
Most movies’ popularity dies out as soon as they come out. Certain movies pull you to the theater, only to never be watched again; However, there are other movies that seem to stick around forever, and many even rewatch them millions of times. Strangely enough most of these ‘teen’ movies are decades old, yet they stay the favorites of many younger teens. Movies like Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, The Breakfast Club, and The Goonies have aced the test of time. Their ability to still relate to teens is still visible today.
The Breakfast Club (1985)
The Breakfast Club is a movie that everyone needs to watch. The coming of age film makes every kind of teen feel represented. It covers all the stereotypes. These pretty much cover the range of high school kids. In the movie the kids attend Saturday detention. They are told to write a paper on who they really are; all of them procrastinate writing the paper the whole movie, and instead show each other who they really are. Of course, at the end, “The Brain” writes a paper for everyone that explains The Breakfast Club. This is a movie that joins every kind of teen, and makes everyone feel like they belong, making it one for the books.
The Goonies (1985)
Everyone has seen The Goonies. It’s a movie that everyone knows, and everyone loves. The Goonies is the type of adventurous movie that makes every outcast kid feel better. In the movie a group of ‘misfits’ goes on a journey to find a treasure after facing foreclosure on their homes. They go through a lot of family issues, as well as issues within the friend group. But everything gets better after they work to get through the caves to the treasure and strengthen their friendships. Though most of the time The Goonies is seen as more of a children’s movie, I personally think that what it deals with has more to do with teens. It’s an overall fun movie that makes everyone want to go out on an adventure.
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986)
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off is a favorite of almost everyone who’s watched it. It’s an incredibly relatable movie for every teen. Beneath the funny and laid back plot is plenty of meaning. The main character, Ferris, is a serial hooky high school student. In the movie, he decides to make one last hurrah before graduation, something every senior tries todo. Throughout the movie Ferris and his friends are followed by their principal in an effort to catch them. Though most of the movie is light hearted, towards the end of the movie it becomes much more real. In the end the idea of “status-seeking and casual parental cruelties” is brought up. This idea is a very real part of many teenager’s lives. There are so many kids that feel pressured by their parents that they feel afraid to do anything even slightly rebellious. The fact that this movie deals with issues all while combining the humor, shows why it’s lasted through the years.
Other movies that are still very popular, even today, include Clueless, The Sandlot, Back to the Future, Fasttimes at Ridgemont High, Heathers, and so many others. It’s surprising that these movies, which mostly came out in the 1980s and 90s, are still so relevant. It’s pretty hard to find one teenager or adult that has never seen even one of these movies. And if you haven’t… What are you doing? Go watch them! I’m sure your parents will strongly recommend them.

Hello readers, my name is Margaret Hoff and this is my third and final year writing for the Spud. This year, as a Senior, I have been promoted to Co-Editor-in-Cheif....