March’s To Be Released – Games

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Spring is all but here, and as we finally see some warm weather we can also see new games and downloadable content.

South Park: The Stick of Truth- March 4th

            Starting us off is the long delayed and anticipated game “South Park: The Stick of Truth”. Along with its usual tongue-in-cheek humor and over the top current issues, players are treated to a turn style role-playing game (RPG) and graphics that are exact to the show’s style.

Dark Souls II- March 11th

            “Dark Souls II” not only doubles the size of is previous game’s map but also includes smarter AI, new challenges, and an introductory sequence that gives new players easier access to the game’s almost hidden story all while retaining its merciless yet balanced gameplay.

Citizen of Earth- March 14th

            Described as “Earthbound” meets “Pokemon”, “Citizen of Earth” puts you in the shoes as the vice president battling world issues while having the masses do the dirty work for you using commands such as unbound charm and charisma.

Titanfall- March 11th

            With Nintendo lacking in exclusives this month we move on to Microsoft, and although they only have one this month it’s a big one. With Xbox 360 users having to wait until March 25th, “Titanfall” is well worth the wait. Having no single player and massive online matches “Titanfall” is perfect for those gamers who have a competitive streak.

InFamous: Second Son- March 11th

            Moving on to Sony exclusives we are given the long awaited “InFamous: Second Son”. Being based on the good ending of “InFamous 2” “Second Son” will follow the story of Delson a conduit who gains many powers through out the game based on smoke and the element neon.

Smite- March 25th

            This month must have been slow for PC companies as they only have a few exclusives this month. MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) “Smite” is finally released from its beta and gets its full release. As an online only game that focuses on playing with friends and leveling up your character “Smite” is perfect for all kinds of gamers.

Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea Episode 2- March 25th

            DLC for the month is also a little slow but what is lacked in quantity is made up in quality. Finally getting the second half of the “Burial at Sea” DLC for “Bioshock Infinite” we are put for the first time into Elizabeth’s shoes.

            Although we didn’t see many releases this month we were given amazing content, we should expect the month of March to be filled with fun and adventure from great games and game companies.