The movie “Total Recall” is a suspense-filled, action movie about and average man who feels he’s missing something important from his life. Since his apocalyptic world is slowly being destroyed, there are only two places remaining that are suitable for human life; the island of the United Kingdom and a chunk of China called The Colony. As a result, the people are not able to travel around the world like we do today, so scientists of the day create a machine that can give a person the memory of doing an event. The only stipulation is the person cannot have already lived the event. This is a precaution to keep their brain from overloading. The main character is in opposition with the government and spends most of the movie running from government agents. As he’s running, he begins to learn more about the real him as well as the man he used to be.
The movie, overall, was good, once I got past the confusion in the beginning figuring out who, what, when, etc. The movie kept me on the edge of my seat all of the way through with its action and dramatic storyline. The actors are very believable, and the plot draws the audience in with the suspense. I give this movie four stars. It is definitely a must-see for anyone who likes action movies.