Soon to be Husker
Just this month I visited my dream college: the University of Nebraska – Lincoln. It was super fun, even though the wind was blowing at an extreme rate and we had to walk roughly three miles outside around campus. Besides that, I realized that UNL has so much to offer, including on campus restaurants, multiple dorms, a Rec Center, a beautiful library and even special places to study. Although I have already applied and been accepted to UNL, I decided to visit it just to see what was in store.
Out of the whole campus tour, the Recreational Center amazed me the most. The center contained an indoor swimming pool, many basketball courts, an indoor football field, an indoor track and cardio and weight rooms. For a small town, western girl it was pretty crazy to see something so huge and advanced.
The next stop during the visit was meeting with the advisor of the college where I will be studying, which is the College of Education and Human Sciences (CEHS). Prior to this, I had been going back and forth between physical therapy and nutrition science as my major. Both of these studies can be found in the CEHS; however, I ended up choosing nutrition science since it requires a four year degree. When I met with the advisor and told her what direction I was going, she informed me that dietitians will now have to go to college for six years to earn a master’s degree.
Initially, I was surprised and confused. After some thought, I decided to go back to physical therapy. It is the same amount of years, but I figured I was more fascinated by physical therapy and enjoyed my time as an intern spent in the Rehab Department at Box Butte General Hospital. Since my only two main interests are nutrition science and physical therapy, and now they require the same amount of years, I decided that I would rather be a PT.
Maybe once I actually get into college I will realize that physical therapy actually doesn’t suit me, but I hope that won’t happen. I hear a lot about college freshmen changing their majors, but I am glad that I am getting things figured out before I’m actually there. For now, I am content and excited to become a full time student as a Husker.

Hello, I am Maycee! I am a senior at Alliance High School, and this is my second year writing for the Spud! I am the daughter of Tara and Deon Quick. I...