Senior Farewell
Senior year, the year that every high school student dreams of. With the lasts of the life you knew approaching and counting down, to the beginning of the rest of our lives knocking on your doorstep, you can’t help but sit back and think about how awesome your last four years were. A place where you knew every face and name, a place of comfort and virtually your home away from home will all soon be a fond memory that you will forever cherish.
Throughout high school, I have been involved in many different clubs and extra curricular activities. From volleyball to Key Club, the list seemed to be never ending. I always felt like I had something going on or somewhere to be. Looking back, I was normally pretty busy, but never as busy as I thought. If I could go back and have the choice to sign up for clubs and different things again, the only thing I would change would be to involve myself in more. High school is a time to learn about your interests and yourself as a person. One class I am very thankful I took is journalism. Not only did I meet great friends along the way, but I got the opportunity to attend many conventions and contests because of it. I learned that I enjoy writing much more than I ever thought I would and my writing improved. The Spud will definitely be one of the things I miss about high school.
To the incoming freshman or underclassmen of Alliance High School, I know you’ve heard it a thousand times, but when people say it goes fast, it really does. Work hard, respect each other and have fun. High school should be enjoyable, not only for yourself but the people around you. Everyone is fighting battles nobody knows about so always be kind to each other.
To the class of 2017, this is it. It’s the big, sometimes overwhelming senior year. I know you think you can’t possibly wait any longer to leave, but you can. Late April will roll around next year and you’ll wish you could do it all over again. So enjoy every single second and do not take anything for granted. Work hard THROUGH the end of the year and trust me, you think you know what “senioritis” is, but I promise you don’t.
To all of my friends, family and members of this awesome community who have supported me for the last four years, thank you. I would not be the person I am today if it were not for all of you. Although my journey here at Alliance High School is ending, a new chapter in my life is beginning and I am so excited to see what the world has to offer.
Thank you again for all of your love and support! Go Bulldogs!

Hey guys! My name is Madison Hiemstra, I am the 17 year old daughter of Randy and Angie Hiemstra and currently a senior here at Alliance High School. I...