Stay Home: Save Lives
The practice of social distancing is extremely important during times like these. The United States of America and the rest of the world are practically in quarantine. All public schools in the Panhandle and the rest of Nebraska are cancelled because of the Coronavirus, leaving students to nothing but online classes. Since the world is in quarantine, it is important to understand why social distancing is necessary.
The CDC (Centers for Disease Control Prevention) recommends that people should avoid groups of 10+ people, and people should not leave their house unless it is needed. For students, this may be troubling since they are used to spending time with friends and doing things outside of the house. A lot of teenagers do not understand the importance of social distancing and some are even neglecting it. Some say that the virus only affects newborns and elderly people, but it is still so important to think of others. Students should be doing what they can to help flatten the curve and reduce the outbreak of COVID-19.
When people are neglecting the rules of social distancing, they are at risk of contributing to an even bigger outbreak of the virus. The coronavirus is most easily spread through people, and that is why it is significant to stay home and avoid large groups of people. The main goal is to stop the spread, not encourage it. When the virus is spreading at an immense rate through many people, there is a higher chance of people becoming sick. When those who have weaker immune systems are exposed to the virus, they can easily become sick and possibly lose their life. If the virus spreads quickly, hospitals will become full, and healthcare providers will have a harder time aiding sick patients.
To help stop the spread, everyone should practice social distancing. Although the sound of “quarantine” is not the most appealing, it is what is needed to be done during this harsh time. Many people think they need to leave the house to have fun, but there are a lot of things one can do at home during this time to keep busy.
One simple hobby that you can do is finding a good movie to watch or reading the book you have always wanted to read. Netflix has numerous series you can start binge watching, and you can always turn to your creative side and journal or color a picture. If you need to go outside, you can walk, run or simply sit outside and breathe in the fresh air. You can always find a new recipe or learn a new skill. Switching to school being completely online may be difficult, but try to make a schedule routine to follow. It is also important to stay active during this time. Research fun at home workouts you can do to keep your heart pumping and blood flowing. Grab a puzzle or board game, make some popcorn and spend time with your family. At the end of the day, the most important hobby to do during this time is to turn off the news, relax and find peace with all that is happening. This too shall pass, as long as you are helping flatten the curve and thinking of others.

Hello, I am Maycee! I am a senior at Alliance High School, and this is my second year writing for the Spud! I am the daughter of Tara and Deon Quick. I...