Catalan Rock

There are a lot of different styles of music. Now a days teens use music to disconnect from reality and take a small break from it all. Music is a good way to express what you feel and think. But do teenagers have a specific genre that they prefer to listen to?
In Catalonia, the Catalan rock genre has an important roll in teenager’s lives. There are a lot of different bands and styles, but it hasn’t always been like this. A few decades ago, it was prohibited to speak and use Catalan for anything. Catalonia was a dictatorship where the only language allowed to speak was Spanish. After the dictator, Francisco Franco, died, this restriction was abolished.
In the 1970s, some bands started singing the style of music they could previously just listen to in other languages because of the language restriction, also it was to protest to the government for all the years that they couldn’t sing in their native language.
A few years after the Catalan Rock genre becoming more popular, and started a festival called “Canet Rock.” This is a concert that starts in the afternoon and ends in the early morning of the next day, with a lot of different bands singing for their audience. This festival has had ten additions on account of quitting it for a few years, until July 2014, when it returned. Now it is one of the most popular and prestige festivals of Catalan rock, millions of people assist every year.

Heyy! My name is Violeta, I am an exchange student from Spain. My host family is Lisa and Chance Splattstoesser. I like being here and have a new experience...