Mr. Lanik
“A tough question to answer,” Lanik said when I asked him what his favorite sport was. When he was growing up his favorite sport to play was basketball, to watch was baseball, and now it’s golf. He likes to coach Track but out of all, it is whatever his kids are playing at the time. He received letters from Stanford and a coach for Nebraska but he said “they’re way out of his league” he also stated, “Everything in my life revolves around sport.” So he ended up going to Chadron State University and playing basketball. He also claimed he went to CSU to chase his wonderful girlfriend, who is now his wife, and has created a beautiful family with her. He’s grateful it worked out the way it did. In his free time he enjoys playing cards, he likes chasing his kids and watching them play the sports that they love. As such his worst fear is something happening to his kids and family. I had asked what the worst ice cream flavor would be and he said that the worst ice cream flavor would probably be buttered popcorn, but he’s never had it. “Is there really a bad ice cream flavor?” he asked. I said, “ yes there definitely is Lanik.”

Hello everyone! I’m Emma Machado, daughter of Amy and Derrick Machado. I am a sophomore at Alliance High School and this is my first year in the Spud....