33.7% of your ecosystem is being ruined and demolished, by none other than trash. Every day over 100 pieces of trash pollute the environment. Behind every piece of trash is a story on how one can be better at taking care of our environment. Such as thinking before you throw, or none other than recycling.
How does littering effect us here at Alliance High School? As the parking lot continues to fill up with trash, the parking lot is getting taken over. As a senior my goal is to reduce the amount of trash viewed in our school parking lot, such as bringing in more trash cans, or even advocating for some to take matter into their own hands and pick up after others. Even though my goal seems small my intentions are big.
I asked Mr. Baker ways he would approach the student body to help the environment he stated “ A club could form, maybe a community service once a month doing a trash sweep, the next thing would just be focusing on getting stuff into the trash cans, every kid should know what to do it’s just do the kids have the personal responsibility its simple but not many people do it.”
Although taking care of your environment could be simple, how can you as an individual help our environment? Reduce, Reuse, Recycle; Educate; Think before you toss; Clean up after yourself! As my senior year comes to an end I hope to move forth with my intentions on helping the school stay clean, and a happy environment for all. Maybe forming a recycling club isn’t such a bad idea after all