Mrs. Jay: Farwell

As this school year is wrapping up some of our Alliance High School Staff are leaving and going on to greater and better things. The staff includes Sofia Fox, Michelle Wurdeman, Monique Elliot, Andrea Jay, Mackenzie Brennen, Michael Baker, Tony Amill, and George Clear.
Mrs. Jay has been a teacher at Alliance High School since 2017 but has been teaching for a lot longer. She was the American History teacher for every year that she taught, and the students will never forget how she made them step out of their comfort zone for a lot of their work, and all the fun group projects they participated in. 

Mrs. Jay made the decision to leave to move closer to immediate family, she made the decisiont to go a long time ago to go, but she was waiting on a position closer to Lincoln to open up.  The thing she is going to miss the most is circle days, which is where she moves all the desks in a circle and ask the group a question. They talk about it all class period. One lesson she wants to take with her is,“Sometimes a class full of only boys can be interesting and sometimes it can be extremely taxing.” She wishes her former students would remember that no matter how much they did not like her methods, she always had their best interest in mind. She is excited to be living closer to her family and getting to see them more often. She will be teaching in a small town on the southeast side of Nebraska. She hopes that all her students remember to have a good weekend, but not be idiots. 

If she could leave her students with one piece of advice, she wishes to give them this, “the world is full of sheep, so be the shepherd.” The new world history teacher is going to be a young man from Wyoming, named Dalton Holst. 

Alliance High School SPUD wishes nothing but the best for Mrs. Jay  on your new adventure. Hope you have an amazing future. All good wishes and hope to an amazing future.